

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Vertical Gardening in your backyard

Vertical gardening is becoming increasingly popular with backyards getting smaller, and more and more people living in units and townhouses. It's the perfect way to maximise the amount of available space you have, and I also think they look amazing! Here are five of my favourites, which are also all extremely cheap and easy to make!  

Strawberry Barrel
I love Strawberries, so anything that can increase the amount of Strawberries in a limited amount of space is a winner in my book. You can pick up barrels at an affordable price both second hand and new. Just make sure if you buy second hand that you confirm the barrel is FOOD GRADE and suitable for using to grow edible plants. There are a lot of barells you can pick up for next to nothing on the internet, but many have been used to store or transport chemicals and therfore not suitable. You can also use other drums, bins, wine barrels, and any other cylinderical item you can think of. Make the holes around the barrel using a hole saw, fill with dirt and plant your Strawberries.


Kat13nel said...

How did these do?

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