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Saturday, January 12, 2013

PVC Pipe Garden

Cool concept hey! you can hang them by placing hooks on each end and have them hanging in areas like verandah's, or you can make stands for them, or simply secure them to walls and fences. You can also have them upright and put plants in them similiar to the Strawberry Barrel.
You can buy PVC piping and end caps readily at many places including plumbing and hardware stores.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Planter Pot Wall

It doesn't get much easier or simplier than placing pots vertically. The great thing behind this concept is that you can adapt it to suit your space and materials. The other advantage of planting in pots is that they are easy to work with and move around when required.
Visit your local scrap metal yard or recycling centre for materials you can use as a frame or grid, and also for hooks or wire to use to secure your pots.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Pallet Garden

I love this idea, it's the perfect vertical garden and a great way to recycle pallets, which usually end up in landfil. I saw this idea recently on a TV program, but an image search on the internet lead me to a great website called Design Sponge that has step by step instructions on how to build your own Pallet Garden. Click here to visit Design Sponge

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Wall Garden

I am not sure what material is used for the garden in this picture, but I would think there are a number of materials that would do the same job and look just as fabulous, such as simple house guttering.
I think you would have to agree, it looks pretty darn good and a very creative use of space.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Vertical Gardening in your backyard

Vertical gardening is becoming increasingly popular with backyards getting smaller, and more and more people living in units and townhouses. It's the perfect way to maximise the amount of available space you have, and I also think they look amazing! Here are five of my favourites, which are also all extremely cheap and easy to make!  

Strawberry Barrel
I love Strawberries, so anything that can increase the amount of Strawberries in a limited amount of space is a winner in my book. You can pick up barrels at an affordable price both second hand and new. Just make sure if you buy second hand that you confirm the barrel is FOOD GRADE and suitable for using to grow edible plants. There are a lot of barells you can pick up for next to nothing on the internet, but many have been used to store or transport chemicals and therfore not suitable. You can also use other drums, bins, wine barrels, and any other cylinderical item you can think of. Make the holes around the barrel using a hole saw, fill with dirt and plant your Strawberries.